
首建品印国际建筑规划设计(北京)有限公司 (简称:首建)





  深圳甲禾设计咨询有限公司是一个涵盖规划与建筑设计、城市综合体设计、园林景观设计业务的公司。甲禾服务涵盖了与工程相关的各个环节,从前期策划到审批咨询;从城市规划到建筑设计;从勘查测绘到图纸审查;从项目代建到施工配合 高水平、全方位的服务;


OPA Architects

OPA Architects is an Auckland based architectural practice with expertise in delivering unique, innovative and sustainable architecture for people's well-being and everyday use. OPA Architects has extensive national and international experience in a wide range of projects including multi-unit residential developments, commercial buildings, mixed-use buildings, hospitalty buildings and interior fit-outs. OPA Architects takes its professional responsibilities very seriously and continuously explores primary architectural concerns and always challenge conventions and traditional thinking. Working with the latest Building Information Modeling (BIM) system available, OPA Architects is empowered to bring ideas from concept to construction with a coordinated and consistent model-based approach which will lead to excellence of the final outcome of the building.

OPA Architects公司链接: https://www.opaarchitects.com/about-us?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg